PCOM Georgia Body Donor Memorial Service Ceremony 2023
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PCOM Georgia Body Donor Memorial Service 
2023 Ceremony

PCOM Georgia's 2023 body donor memorial service was held on Saturday, May 13, 2023. Students, faculty and staff members recognized 52 individuals who donated their bodies to science to further the medical education of Georgia's future healthcare professionals.

The memorial service recognized the family members as well as the educational and research contributions of the families' loved ones. Families were invited to say a few words up at the podium and many chose to thank the College in addition to sharing stories about their loved ones and the reasons they wanted to better medicine through their donations. Our medical students also recognized Mother's Day by presenting white roses to of donors' children in attendance.

Body donations help train our students to learn about the human body through anatomy and pathology courses. Donations benefit many students enrolled in our osteopathic medicine, physician assistant studies, physical therapy and biomedical sciences programs.

PCOM Georgia medical and graduate students planned the body donor memorial ceremony along with faculty and staff.
White roses were presented to donors' children as a special thank you in honor of Mother's Day.
Jeffrey Seiple, Director of Anatomical Donor Services for PCOM Georgia, explains how donations are important for the medical education of students.
The ceremony was attended by many PCOM Georgia medical and graduate students, College faculty and staff, and family members.