Body Donation Procedure
How Do You Donate Your Body to Science?
PCOM Georgia is grateful for the exceptional legacy which our donors pass on to the
next generation of physicians and their patients. Please review the following information
regarding the donation process, and share it with family or those close to you when
discussing your final wishes.
How Do You Donate Your Body to Science?
1. Register as a donor with the PCOM Georgia Body Donor Program.
After the anatomical coordinator approves your application, the donation will be registered
with the PCOM Georgia Body Donor Program. Pre-registration is preferable (30 days)
but not required. We honor next of kin donations as provided in the Georgia Anatomical
Gift Act. Please note that although a donation may be normally registered with the
program, there are some circumstances in which the College may be unable to accept
the body at the time of death, as further discussed below. Therefore, it is important
to consider and discuss alternative arrangements with your family.
2. Contact the body donor program at the time of death.
Immediately after the time of death, please contact the anatomical coordinator at 770-682-2358. At this time you can discuss any wishes about memorial/funeral services before the
remains are removed.
3. The PCOM Georgia Body Donor Program will determine if remains are suitable for
The College reserves the right to decline a body not suitable for medical research
and study. Suitability will be reassessed at the time of death prior to moving the
remains to our location for embalming. The anatomical coordinator will speak to the
facility where the remains are located to determine if remains are still suitable
for donation. Some reasons why a donation may be declined include, but are not limited
- colostomy

- decomposition
- decubitus ulcers
- deformity
- contagious or highly infectious diseases
- edema
- extreme emaciation
- gangrene
- jaundice
- obesity
- suicide
- recent major surgery
- removal of organs
The gift will also be declined when a close family member objects to or has great
discomfort with the donation, or the body is located outside the state of Georgia.
The College may also decline a donation if the body is located at a distance (exceeding
275 miles) which makes transportation to the College unfeasible.
4. Upon acceptance of the body, the remains will be transported.
Contact the anatomical coordinator prior to having a body transported to a funeral
home, so he can make all arrangements for moving the remains and assuring compliance
with College procedure.
5. After anatomical studies are completed, the remains are cremated at program's expense.
After completion of all anatomical studies (which generally occurs approximately 1-2
years after donation), the remains are cremated at the College’s expense. At that
time, the cremains are returned to the donor’s family in accordance with the wishes
of the donor and his/her family, as required by the Anatomy Board of the State of
After cremation, the donor will be honored at a special memorial service held annually by College medical students and faculty. The College invites donors’
families to attend and participate in this memorial service.