Stacy Scott
MS/FM '15

Stacy Scott (MS/FM ’15)
Blending Medicine and Justice
Growing up with a mother who is a nurse and a father who is a police officer, Stacy
Scott (MS/FM ’15) has had an appreciation for both the health care and criminal justice
industries since she was a small girl. Even as she graduated with a bachelor’s in
psychology from East Stroudsburg University, and a master’s in counseling from the
University of Scranton, she maintained those interests.
She knew she wanted to go into medicine, but wanted to find a place where she could
blend her training in mental health with her interest in medicine and criminal justice.
A friend enrolled in PCOM’s DO program told her about the Forensic Medicine program.
“It was the only one like it on the East Coast,” Ms. Scott explains. “And it’s all
encompassing; you can focus on orthopedics, anthropology, dental or other areas. This
program has prepared me to go into any field.”
She says the most interesting part of her training was when she was able to intern
in the Philadelphia medical examiner’s office. “It was fascinating to see how important
forensics can be to the crime-solving process,” she says.
As someone who had no science background before coming to PCOM, Ms. Scott says she
is appreciative of how helpful and encouraging the faculty has been. “I’m so appreciative
that, even though I was not a part of the DO program, I still had access to the facilities
and expertise of a medical school,” she says. “I’ve always felt as though I was a
part of the PCOM community, and I love that.”