Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery | PCOM Student Rotation
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Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 
Student Elective Rotation

Learn about PCOM's student elective rotation in otolaryngology and how to apply.

  • Complete and submit the Rotation Request Form (Google Form). 
  • Upon notification of your approval, you will be required to submit the documents in the required documents section.
  • Rotations must be scheduled in 2-week or 4-week blocks, with specific start and end dates required (e.g., MM/DD/YY to MM/DD/YY)
  • General Liability Insurance and Professional Liability Insurance (minimum of $1 million/$3 million, current at the time of rotation).
  • PA state criminal background check (within six months of the requested rotation dates)
  • PA FBI fingerprinting clearance (within six months of the requested rotation dates)
    • We will only accept the fingerprinting certificate from the Department of Human Services, not the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) certificate from the Department of Justice.
    • If you are non-PA resident, once you click on the hyperlink of IdentoGO, scroll down to the bottom of the website and click on "Pennsylvania Non-Resident Cardscan Instructions" for further instructions.
    • Please don't send in your actual fingerprint card, it will not be accepted.
    • Service code: 1KG738
  • PA child abuse clearance (within six months of the requested rotation dates)
  • Immunization records or documentation of having immunity for the following infectious diseases: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Diphtheria
  • Copy of COVID vaccination card
  • Proof of 2 Step PPD (tuberculosis) testing or QuantiFERON during the past three months
  • Flu shot verification (within one year of the requested rotation dates)
  • Mask fit test results (within one year of the requested rotation dates)
  • Copy of Annual Physical
  • Audition rotation for the residency program and elective rotation.
  • Please note applications for an audition and elective rotations are being accepted on a rolling basis.
  • For non-PCOM students we now require an affiliation agreement between PCOM and your school.
  • June-December
  • We accept applications for the audition season between February and April of each academic year.
  • Crozer-Chester Medical Center
  • St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
  • Albert Einstein Medical Center-Philadelphia
  • Methodist Hospital
  • Lankenau Medical Center
  • Abington Memorial Hospital

For more information about this program, please contact:

Anaise Marquez
Residency Program Coordinator
Email: anaisema@pcom.edu
Phone: 215-871-6645