Julia Burns, MS/Biomed
Julia Burns serves as the president of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA)
at PCOM. Through this role, she has led the members of AMWA to become leaders in diversity.
Ms. Burns championed the Girl Talk initiative with No More Secrets: Mind, Body, Spirit
- a Philadelphia non-profit fighting period poverty. This connection to the community
led Ms. Burns to focus her capstone project on period poverty policy in Pennsylvania.
Ms. Burns is also actively involved in the Student National Medical Association (SNMA),
Cultural Competency Program and the PCOM AID Club. View Julia's PCOM graduate profile.
Miranda Nortey, DO
Through her work in the Student National Medical Association (SNMA), Miranda Nortey
expanded the footprint of PCOM both regionally and nationally. Ms. Nortey has served
SNMA Region VIII as the associate regional director, parliamentarian and policy advocacy
liaison, as well as the regional future leadership liaison. Ms. Nortey also co-founded
DOctors Redefining Limits – a two week trip to Ghana to teach students about osteopathic medicine and gain clinical experience.
Ashley Poole, PsyD
As course coordinator for the interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum, Ashley Poole, PsyD, has the unique opportunity to create connections
that foster diversity and inclusion across the college. As a group leader in IPE,
Ms. Poole has had the opportunity to lead discussions and develop resources focused
on diversity, equity and inclusion. Ms. Poole also serves as a research assistant for IPE, which allowed her to contribute to an article for The Journal of the American Osteopathic
Association and present at various conferences.
Jodi Hasko, MS/MHC
SIn her time at PCOM, Jodi Hasko worked to revive the Culturally Aware Psychology
Students (CAPS) program. She served as president of the organization and worked to
connect CAPS to other diversity programs on campus. Ms. Hasko collaborated with faculty
and fellow students to present strategies to increase diversity in the counseling
field at the Pennsylvania Counseling Association’s Annual Conference.
Kareem Chappell, MS/PHMA
Through his work with Focus on Fathers, Kareem Chappell is actively impacting many
of the social determinants of health in Philadelphia. Mr. Chappell facilitates and
teaches healthy parenting classes for fathers from a range of racial and ethnic backgrounds
with the goal of reuniting these fathers with their children. Mr. Chappell plans to
advance his commitment to diversity and inclusion post-graduation by creating a rites
of passage program for fathers and their sons and advocating for resources to support
this population.