Psychological and Behavioral Health | Psychology Research at PCOM
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Psychology research at PCOM

Psychology Research at PCOM

Psychology is the study of human behavior and mental processes. Psychological and behavioral health are essential to an individual's well-being and play an important role in everyday life.

What is Psychology Research?

Psychology research is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. In simple terms, it is the process of investigating how and why people think, feel, and behave in certain ways. The aim of psychology research is to expand our understanding of emotions, motivations, personality traits, cognition, learning styles, social interactions and more. Psychologists hope to answer questions about the human mind as well as find better methods of treatment for patients in the areas of behavior therapy, mental health counseling, school-based learning and much more.

Psychology Research at PCOM

PCOM psychology faculty and students conduct behavioral and developmental research in children, adolescents and adults. They also study neurodevelopmental disorders, anxiety, stress-related medical disorders, school-based intervention and assessment, attitudes and beliefs, substance use, individual and cultural differences, social media effects and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Additionally, PCOM's psychologists collaborate with primary care physicians to study patient non-compliance, health risk behaviors and communication networks in order to enhance motivation and promote wellness. Research in clinical psychology focuses on issues in normative development and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of psychopathology. The goal of school psychology is to prevent behavioral and academic difficulties and develop novel strategies for intervention.

Our Faculty Researchers

Associate professor Michelle Lent, PhD, is the lead author of a recent publication that suggests opioid use disorder (OUD) intervention “has to be more than medication.”

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Dr. Lent Publishes on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) portrait

Research at PCOM

PCOM aims to develop innovative approaches to promoting health through basic, translational, clinical, behavioral, education and community research projects.