PCOM Research | Advancing Science Through Innovative Research
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PCOM Research

The overall goal of PCOM's research is to develop and test novel approaches to diagnosing, treating and preventing dysfunction and disease. Innovative research activities on our campuses range from deciphering mechanisms of cell, tissue and organ development, function and pathogenesis, to analyses of behavior, learning and psychopathology and much more.

What Our Students Say

“During the didactic years of medical school, I yearned for more direct engagement with clinical medicine… Clinical research was another means for me to engage with current medical practice.”

Hilary Gray, DO '22

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Hilary Gray, DO '22 portrait

“Research is collaborative in all facets of the word. I would not be able to be where I am today without my research experience or without those who have mentored, taught and helped me to find research areas of interest.”

Samuel P. Prahlow, DO '24

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Samuel P. Prahlow, DO '24 portrait

“It's amazing to know that I'm part of research that could positively impact patients in the future in such a life-changing way.”

Cameron Stinson, MS/Biomed '24 (DO '28)

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Cameron Stinson, MS/Biomed '24 (DO '28) portrait

Our Mission

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