Frequently Asked Questions | PCOM Primary Care Innovation Fund
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Frequently Asked Questions 
Primary Care Innovation Fund


PCOM's Primary Care Innovation Fund is intended to fund established, commercialized companies that provide technology-enabled services or products that are innovative in the primary care space.

The Primary Care Innovation Fund focuses on commercial stage companies with proven products. The Fund is not focused on investing in seed or very early-stage companies.

Absolutely. While PCOM faculty, staff and students are welcome to submit inquiries to receive funding, those outside of the PCOM community are encouraged to approach us for funding consideration. The Primary Care Innovation Fund invests in companies across the country and looks forward to supporting investments in a variety of ways including connections to the PCOM community.

The size will depend on the company and capital needs, but initial funding can be in the range of $100,000 to $1,000,000.

Companies will be assessed based upon a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Level of innovation
  • Applicability to primary care, broadly speaking
  • Impact on patient outcomes and access to care
  • Expertise and experience of management
  • Proven commercial viability, i.e., does the company have a satisfied and growing customer base?
  • Size and strength of the existing investment syndicate
  • Business model, i.e., how the company makes money, margins, etc.
  • Scalability
  • Leveragability of PCOM resources

The steps for funding consideration include:

  1. All companies will receive an initial screening to determine investment potential.
  2. Companies making it past the first screen will be invited to pitch their business.
  3. Due diligence will be completed on companies that make it past the initial pitch. This process can continue for several weeks. In parallel, investment terms will be discussed and negotiated.
  4. Final investment decisions will then be determined for companies successfully completing due diligence.

The potential outcomes of the initial consideration process include:

  • No, in its current form the investment does not make sense for PCOM now or in the future.
  • No, but with continued progress the investment may make sense for PCOM in the future. Please keep in touch.
  • No, but we would like to be helpful in your development, given our resources and interest in your area.
  • Yes, we would like to schedule a pitch.

Dean Miller is the Managing Director of the PCOM Primary Care Innovation Fund. Learn more about Dean.

Investments in the Fund are not currently being solicited nor will they be accepted. If you are an accredited investor who wants to indicate an interest in possibly investing in the Fund at a future time, please use the inquiry form.