PCOM Facts and Figures | Philadelphia Campus Fact Sheet
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Fact Sheet - Philadelphia Campus  
PCOM Facts and Figures

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine offers numerous doctoral, graduate and certificate programs on its Philadelphia, PA campus.

Programs include the doctor of osteopathic medicine degree and graduate degree programs in biomedical sciences, forensic medicine, clinical and school psychology, applied behavior analysis, mental health counseling, physician assistant studies, organizational development and leadership, public health management and nonprofit leadership and population health management.



Visit our accreditation page for details regarding College and program accreditation information.

Established in 1899, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has trained thousands of highly competent, caring physicians, health practitioners and behavioral scientists who practice a “whole person” approach, treating people, not just symptoms. 


Thousands of PCOM osteopathic medicine alumni practice medicine nationwide and more than half practice in primary care fields. Many of our DO alumni practice in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Our non-DO alumni can be found practicing and working around the country as well.

View detailed alumni figures in the Fact Sheet (PDF).

  • Visit the PCOM Alumni website to learn how to stay connected and view news, events, resources, volunteer opportunities and giving information.
  • View Digest, our magazine with various featured stories about alumni and the College.