Pharmacy Courses and Course Sequence | PCOM PharmD Program
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Pharmacy Courses and Course Sequence 
Doctor of Pharmacy

The information listed below is from the current course catalog. Terms, sequences, courses and credit hours are subject to change at any time without notice.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Term 1Hours
PHAR 120G Pharmacy Practice I: Foundations in Therapeutics and Clinical Reasoning 2
PHAR 110G Anatomy Physiology and Pathophysiology I 4
PHAR 150G Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations 4
PHAR 117G Principles of Drug Action I 2
PHAR 109G Personal and Professional Development I 1
PHAR 118G Integrated Case Studies I 1
PHAR 041G Professionalism Portfolio I 0
INDP 100G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
Term 2
PHAR 134G Biostatistics 2
PHAR 115G Anatomy Physiology and Pathophysiology II 4
PHAR 145G Pharmaceutical Calculations 2
PHAR 137G Principles of Drug Actions II 4
PHAR 161G Patient Skills Lab I 1
PHAR 122G Integrated Case Studies II 1
PHAR 041G Professionalism Portfolio I 0
INDP 100G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
Term 3
PHAR 133G Health Information Retrieval & Informatics 1
PHAR 132G Integrated Case Studies III 1
PHAR 138G Principles of Drug Actions III 5
PHAR 141G Pharmaceutics 4
PHAR 162G Patient Skills Lab II 1
PHAR 139G Self-Care and Holistic Wellness I 2
PHAR 041G Professionalism Portfolio I 0
INDP 100G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
Term 4
PHAR 173G Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience, Community 0
Second Year
Term 1
PHAR 208G Research Methods 1
PHAR 214G Integrated Case Studies IV 1
PHAR 221G Health Care Systems and Policy 2
PHAR 231G Pharmacotherapy I 5
PHAR 256G Patient Care Skills Lab III 1
PHAR 269G Biopharmaceutics 4
PHAR 042G Professionalism Portfolio II 0
INDP 200G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
Term 2
PHAR 228G Pharmacy Administration and Management and Entrepreneurship 2
PHAR 224G Medical Microbiology and Immunology 3
PHAR 232G Pharmacotherapy II 5
PHAR 251G Integrated Toxicology and Patient Safety 2
PHAR 253G Personal and Professional Development II 1
PHAR 215G Integrated Case Studies V 1
PHAR 042G Professionalism Portfolio II 0
INDP 200G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
Term 3
PHAR 209G Public Health and Pharmacoepidemiology 1
PHAR 241G Integrated Infectious Disease 3
PHAR 229G Pharmacotherapy III 5
PHAR 233G Pharmacy Practice II Topics in Patient Care 3
PHAR 254G Patient Care Skills Lab IV 1
PHAR 216G Integrated Case Studies VI 1
INDP 200G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
PHAR 042G Professionalism Portfolio II 0
Term 4
PHAR 263G IPPE Clinical 0
PHAR 265G IPPE Community 0
Third Year
Term 1
PHAR 308G Literature Evaluation and Evidence Based Practice 1
PHAR 327G Integrated Basic and Applied Pharmacokinetics 3
PHAR 333G Advanced Pharmacotherapy I 5
PHAR 352G Patient Care Skills Lab V 1
PHAR 315G Integrated Case Studies VII 1
INDP 300G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
PHAR 043G Professionalism Portfolio III 0
Elective Track, take two 1-credit electives in area of Ambulatory Care/Acute Care Medicine/Managed Care 2
PHAR 174G. Take once only. Offer fall and winter. 0
Term 2
PHAR 309G Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes 1
PHAR 318G Self Care and Holistic Wellness II 3
PHAR 334G Advanced Pharmacotherapy II 5
PHAR 353G Personal and Professional Development III 1
PHAR 316G Integrated Case Studies VIII 1
INDP 300G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
PHAR 043G Professionalism Portfolio III 0
Elective Track, take two 1-credit electives in area of Ambulatory Care/Acute Care Medicine/Managed Care 2
PHAR 174G. Take once only. Offer fall and winter. 0
Term 3
PHAR 368G Pharmacy Law and Ethics 3
PHAR 314G Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 1
PHAR 335G Advanced Pharmacotherapy III 5
PHAR 354G Patient Care Skills Lab VI 1
PHAR 317G Integrated Case Studies IX 1
INDP 300G Inter Professional Approach to Caring for the Communities 0
Elective Track, take two 1-credit electives in area of Ambulatory Care/Acute Care Medicine/Managed Care 2
Fourth Year
Term 1
Students take two 4 Credit Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Courses (APPE) PHAR 4XXEG 8
Term 2
Students take four 4 Credit Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Courses (APPE) PHAR 4XXEG 16
Term 3
Students take two 4 Credit Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Courses (APPE) PHAR 4XXEG 8
PHAR 499G 0
 Total Hours155

Each student will be randomly assigned IPPE (Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience) during the second year.


Five days in Summer (June or August) No tuition is charged nor is there any financial aid eligibility as this is not half time.