Academic Departments | Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
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Academic Departments

At PCOM, we are focused on helping you achieve your educational and professional goals. Our programs combine rigorous academics, expert faculty, real-world experience and the latest technologies to provide students with the skills needed to succeed in the ever-changing world of health care. Visit our academic department pages to discover how PCOM can help you learn more, do more and be more.


Our Departments


Maintains the human anatomy laboratories and operates the body donor programs.

Bio-Medical Sciences (PCOM)

Prepares students to meet their career goals through expert instruction in a dynamic learning environment.

Bio-Medical Sciences (PCOM Georgia)

Provides students with skills and knowledge for careers in osteopathic medicine and biomedical sciences.

Bio-Medical Sciences (PCOM South Georgia)

Provides students with opportunities to demonstrate skills and knowledge in rigorous academic and professional settings.

Center for Teaching Support and Professional Development

Provides training and support to academic programs.

Clinical Psychology

Dedicated to training clinical psychologists in the practitioner-scholar model at the doctoral level.


Designed to prepare counselors to work in the mental health field or to pursue doctoral study in psychology and counseling.

Emergency Medicine

Offers high-quality, rigorous instruction by experts in the field of emergency medicine.

Family Medicine

Provides essential academic and clinical training for DO students.

Forensic Medicine and Pathology

Focuses on helping students become vital parts of the justice system.

Geriatric and Palliative Medicine

Trains students for careers in caring for older individuals.

Internal Medicine

Offers expert instruction in numerous subspecialties in a supportive environment.

Library and Educational Information Systems

Provides patron service, instruction in information literacy and resources to support teaching, learning and research.

Medical Humanities

Teaches students medical ethics in dealing with patients, families and the community.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Provides training in women’s health issues.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (PCOM)

Teaches students to diagnose, treat and prevent illness through the use of osteopathic principals and practice.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (PCOM Georgia)

Trains students in osteopathic principles, philosophy and practice.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (PCOM South Georgia)

Teaches students to utilize a "whole person" approach to healthcare.


Prepares future physicians to deliver comprehensive, high-quality pediatric care.

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Focused on enhancing and improving pharmaceutical research.

Pharmacy Practice

Trains future pharmacists to provide competent and proactive care.

Physical Therapy

Emphasizes a whole person approach to patient management.

Physician Assistant Studies

Focused on training students to be competent, compassionate healthcare providers.

Psychiatric Medicine

Trains students to diagnose and treat mental illness in various forms and degrees of severity.

Radiological Sciences

Instructs students in the use and interpretation of imaging in order to diagnose disease.

School Psychology

Dedicated to training practitioners and scholars to provide services to children and youth in educational and related settings.


Provides surgical instruction through lectures, simulations and clinical experience.