PCOM Cost of Attendance: Tuition, Fees and Other Expenses
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PCOM Cost of Attendance 
2024-2025 Academic Year

Cost of attendance (COA) is the estimated amount it will cost to attend doctoral, graduate and certificate programs at PCOM, PCOM Georgia and PCOM South Georgia.

Tuition Calculator
What is included in a program's cost of attendance?

COA figures include tuition and fees, books and supplies, loan fees and reasonable costs for living expenses (housing, food, transportation, health insurance and personal expenses). The COA figures listed below are estimated and subject to change at any time without notice.

How can enrolled students view their cost of attendance?

Enrolled students can view their current COA figures by logging into Financial Aid Self-Service within myPCOM and visiting the "cost of attendance" section. If a student has an expense greater than any COA line item, they may appeal via a "Professional Judgment - Special Circumstance Review" by contacting the Office of Financial Aid.

What if my cohort's cost of attendance does not reflect my situation?

When a student's costs exceed what is listed in the Cost of Attendance, students may pursue what in financial aid is called a Professional Judgment (PJ). When you reach out to our staff via online form or other communication, we will consider your circumstances and will be able to assess any changes to the component in question.

What Our Students Say

"I had a great experience, the financial aid office helped me set up a budget for this school year. They allowed me to focus more on school because I did not have to worry about money! Thank you."

Lauren Rose

"Coming into medical school, the massive burden of managing so much in loans was overwhelming. Our Financial Aid office makes things extremely streamlined and easy to understand, and they offer individualized strategies for each student's situation. Whenever I have questions, I know someone from the office will be able to answer them and to help educate me along the way!"

Olivia Smithson

"I was guided on loan repayments and strategies which calmed my mind on how much medical school costs as a whole. In addition, they do a wonderful job at displaying any financial aid that can be provided from the school or through external resources."

Shahil Patel

Doctoral Programs

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 4 5+ Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 4 4 4 19
Months enrolled 9 12 12 12 12 57
Estimated credit hours1 31 25.5 16.5 12 4 89
Estimated tuition2 $42,997 $35,370 $22,887 $16,644 $5,548 $123,445
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $3,800
Tuition and fees $43,597 $36,170 $23,687 $17,444 $6,348 $127,245
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $26,400 $26,400 $26,400 $125,400
Books and supplies $708 $944 $944 $944 $944 $4,484
Instruments and equipment $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $1,900
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $28,500
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $11,400
Board Exam or Residency Applications       $660   $660
Federal Stafford loan fees $360 $360 $360 $360 $360 $1,800
Total Estimated COA $71,065 $72,673 $60,190 $54,608 $42,852 $301,388

1Note: While the program can be completed in 89 credits, following the research sequence students must register for dissertation advisement at one credit/term until successfully defending their dissertation. Students will be charged for one credit/term, unless concurrently enrolled in Internship, until all edits are made to the satisfaction of their dissertation chairs/committees and the final documents are submitted for binding. See course sequence for details.

2Tuition: $1,387 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 Total
Terms enrolled 3 3 3 9
Months enrolled 9 9 9 27
Estimated credit hours 12 17 4 33
Estimated tuition1 $15,588 $22,083 $5,196 $42,867
Comprehensive school fee $600 $600 $600 $1,800
Tuition and fees $16,188 $22,683 $5,796 $44,667
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $19,800 $19,800 $59,400
Books and supplies $300 $300 $300 $900
Instruments and equipment $504 $504 $504 $1,512
Personal $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $13,500
Transportation $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $5,400
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $216 $648
Total Estimated COA $43,308 $49,803 $32,916 $126,027


$1,006 per credit 500-level courses
$1,087 per credit 600-level courses
$1,299 per credit 700-level courses

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 4 Total
Terms enrolled 3 3 4 4 14
Months enrolled 9 9 12 12 42
Estimated tuition $64,248 $64,248 $64,248 $64,248 $256,992
Comprehensive school fee $800 $800 $800 $800 $3,200
Tuition and fees $65,048 $65,048 $65,048 $65,048 $260,192
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $19,800 $26,400 $26,400 $92,400
Books and supplies $504 $504 $672 $672 $2,352
Instruments and equipment $300 $300 $400 $400 $1,400
Board exam and residency applications - $715 $715 $780 $2,210
Personal $4,500 $4,500 $6,000 $6,000 $21,000
Transportation $1,800 $1,800 $3,000 $3,000 $9,600
Federal Stafford loan fees $430 $430 $498 $498 $1,856
Total Estimated COA $93,382 $93,097 $102,733 $102,798 $392,010

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 4 Total
Terms enrolled 3 3 3 4 13
Months enrolled 9 9 9 12 39
Estimated tuition $45,912 $45,912 $45,912 $45,912 $183,648
Comprehensive school fee $800 $800 $800 $800 $3,200
Tuition and fees $46,712 $46,712 $46,712 $46,712 $186,848
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $19,800 $19,800 $26,400 $85,800
Books and supplies $660 $660 $660 $880 $2,860
Instruments and equipment $408 $408 $408 $544 $1,768
Personal $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $6,000 $19,500
Transportation $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $3,000 $8,400
Federal Stafford loan fees $347 $347 $347 $394 $1,435
Total Estimated COA $74,227 $74,227 $74,227 $83,930 $306,611

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 Total
Terms enrolled 4 4 4 12
Months enrolled 12 12 12 36
Estimated tuition $35,876 $35,876 $35,876 $107,628
Comprehensive school fee $800 $800 $800 $2,400
Tuition and fees $36,676 $36,676 $36,676 $110,028
Housing, food and utilities $26,400 $26,400 $26,400 $79,200
Books and supplies $544 $544 $544 $1,632
Instruments and equipment $544 $544 $544 $1,632
Personal $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $18,000
Transportation $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $7,200
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $216 $648
Total Estimated COA $72,780 $72,780 $72,780 $218,340

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 4 5+ Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 4 3 3 17
Months enrolled 9 12 12 9 9 51
Estimated credit hours 31 36 26 15 3 111
Estimated tuition1 $33,697 $39,132 $33,774 $19,485 $3,897 $129,985
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $800 $600 $600 $3,400
Tuition and fees $34,297 $39,932 $34,574 $20,085 $4,497 $133,385
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $26,400 $19,800 $19,800 $112,200
Books and supplies $300 $400 $400 $300 $300 $1,700
Instruments and equipment $504 $672 $672 $504 $504 $2,856
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $6,000 $4,500 $4,500 $25,500
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $2,400 $1,800 $1,800 $10,200
Board Exam       $170   $170
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $216 $216 $216 $1,080
Total Estimated COA $61,417 $76,020 $70,662 $47,375 $31,617 $286,891


$1,006 per credit 500-level courses
$1,087 per credit 600-level courses
$1,299 per credit 700-level courses

Graduate Programs and Degrees

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1
Terms enrolled 3
Months enrolled 9
Estimated credit hours 21
Estimated tuition1 $21,126
Comprehensive school fee $600
Tuition and fees $21,726
Housing, food and utilities $19,800
Books and supplies $660
Instruments and equipment $300
Personal $4,500
Transportation $1,800
Federal Stafford loan fees $216
Total Estimated COA $49,002

1Tuition: $1,006 per credit

Note: Students are given this general budget for a single year but the number of credit hours will be adjusted based on how many a student takes. Please refer to the course catalog for more information.

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 (Foundation Year) 2 (Summer Term) Total
Terms enrolled 3 1 4
Months enrolled 9 3 12
Estimated credit hours 31 5 36
Estimated tuition1 $31,186 $5,030 $36,216
Comprehensive school fee $600 $200 $800
Tuition and fees $31,786 $5,230 $37,016
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $6,600 $26,400
Books and supplies $804 $268 $1,072
Instruments and Equipment $204 $68 $272
Personal $4,500 $1,500 $6,000
Transportation $1,800 $600 $2,400
Federal Stafford loan fee $216 $54 $270
Total Estimated COA $59,110 $14,320 $73,430

1Tuition: $1,006 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1
Terms enrolled 3
Months enrolled 9
Estimated credit hours 30
Estimated tuition1 $30,180
Comprehensive school fee $600
Tuition and fees $30,780
Housing, food and utilities $19,800
Books and supplies $660
Instruments and equipment $300
Personal $4,500
Transportation $1,800
Federal Stafford loan fees $216
Total Estimated COA $58,056

1Tuition: $1,006 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Students in the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program complete foundational coursework in the first year and then progress to one of several second-year degree concentrations. Students who successfully complete the foundational (first year) curriculum and elect not to continue in a second year concentration may receive a certificate of graduate study (CGS) as a terminal award. At PCOM South Georgia, students who meet specified academic success criteria will have the opportunity to complete an accelerated master's program (MS in Biomedical Sciences - Preclinical Sciences) during the summer term. Students who do not meet the minimum requirements for the accelerated master’s program will have the option to receive a CGS or pursue a second-year concentration as part of the MS in Biomedical Sciences program.

MS in Biomedical Sciences 
Year 1 (Foundation Year) 2 (Concentration Year) Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 7
Months enrolled 9 12 21
Estimated credit hours1 29 24 53
Estimated tuition2 $33,350 $27,600 $60,950
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $1,400
Tuition and fees $33,950 $28,400 $62,350
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $46,200
Books and supplies $804 $1,072 $1,876
Instruments and equipment $504 $672 $1,176
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $10,500
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $4,200
Federal Stafford loan fee $216 $216 $432
Total Estimated COA $61,574 $65,160 $126,734

1Estimated credit hours: Credit hours may vary depending upon location and concentration.
2Tuition: $1,150 per credit

MS in Biomedical Sciences - Preclinical Sciences

(offered at PCOM South Georgia)

Year 1 (Foundation Year) 2 (Summer Term) Total
Terms enrolled 3 1 4
Months enrolled 9 3 12
Estimated credit hours1 29 6 35
Estimated tuition2 $33,350 $6,900 $40,250
Comprehensive school fee $600 $200 $800
Tuition and fees $33,950 $7,100 $41,050
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $6,600 $26,400
Books and supplies $804 $268 $1,072
Instruments and equipment $504 $168 $672
Personal $4,500 $1,500 $6,000
Transportation $1,800 $600 $2,400
Federal Stafford loan fee $216 $54 $270
Total Estimated COA $61,574 $16,290 $77,864

1Estimated credit hours: Credit hours may vary depending upon location and concentration.
2Tuition: $1,150 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 1 8
Months enrolled 9 12 3 24
Estimated credit hours 16 16 8 40
Estimated tuition1 $17,088 $17,088 $8,544 $42,720
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $200 $1,600
Tuition and fees $17,688 $17,888 8,744 $44,320
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $6,600 $52,800
Books and supplies $504 $672 $168 $1,344
Instruments and equipment $204 $272 $68 $544
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $1,500 $12,000
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $600 $4,800
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $54 $486
Total Estimated COA $44,712 $53,848 $17,734 $116,294

1Tuition: $1,068 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

The Online Pathway course adds 3.0 credits in the summer term prior to entering the MS in Forensic Medicine program. The table below shows the cost for the Online Pathway course (summer term) in addition to the first year of the MS in Forensic Medicine program (fall, winter, spring terms).

Year 1
Terms enrolled 4
Months enrolled 12
Estimated credit hours 19
Estimated tuition1 $20,292
Comprehensive school fee $800
Tuition and fees $21,092
Housing, food and utilities $26,400
Books and supplies $672
Instruments and equipment $272
Personal $6,000
Transportation $2,400
Federal Stafford loan fees $216
Total Estimated COA $57,052

1Tuition: $1,068 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

The Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science program includes two degree options: a pre-professional program and a post-professional program.

MS in Medical Laboratory Science - Pre-professional Program
Year 1 2 Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 7
Months enrolled 9 12 21
Estimated credit hours 31 39 70
Estimated tuition1 $31,341 $39,429 $70,770
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $1,400
Tuition and fees $31,941 $40,229 $72,170
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $46,200
Books and supplies $600 $800 $1,400
Instruments and equipment $504 $672 $1,176
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $10,500
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $4,200
Federal Stafford loan fee $216 $216 $432
Total Estimated COA $59,361 $76,717 $136,078

1Tuition: $1,011 per credit

MS in Medical Laboratory Science - Post-professional Program
Year 1
Terms enrolled 3
Months enrolled 9
Estimated credit hours 30
Estimated tuition1 $30,330
Comprehensive school fee $600
Tuition and fees $30,930
Housing, food and utilities $19,800
Books and supplies $600
Instruments and equipment $504
Personal $4,500
Transportation $1,800
Federal Stafford loan fee $216
Total Estimated COA $58,350

1Tuition: $1,011 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 1 8
Months enrolled 9 12 3 24
Estimated credit hours 27 30 3 60
Estimated tuition1 $27,162 $30,180 $3,018 $60,360
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $200 $1,600
Tuition and fees $27,762 $30,980 $3,218 $61,960
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $6,600 $52,800
Books and supplies $660 $880 $220 $1,760
Instruments and equipment $300 $400 $100 $800
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $1,500 $12,000
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $600 $4,800
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $54 $486
Total Estimated COA $55,038 $67,276 $12,292 $134,606

1Tuition: $1,006 per credit

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 Total
Terms enrolled 4 4 1 9
Months enrolled 12 12 3 27
Estimated tuition $60,664 $48,764 $11,211 $120,639
Comprehensive school fee $800 $800 $200 $1,800
Student Society Fee $200 - - $200
Tuition and fees $61,664 $49,564 $11,411 $122,639
Housing, food and utilities $26,400 $26,400 $6,600 $59,400
Books and supplies $816 $816 $204 $1,836
Instruments and equipment $272 $272 $68 $612
Board exam and other fees $125     $125
Student society fee $200     $200
Personal $6,000 $6,000 $1,500 $13,500
Transportation $2,400 $3,000 $750 $6,150
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $54 $486
Total Estimated COA $97,893 $86,468 $20,787 $204,748

Secure the financial resources you need to achieve your academic goals. Visit our How to Apply for Financial Aid page to learn more.

Year 1 2 3 Total
Terms enrolled 3 4 4 11
Months enrolled 9 12 12 33
Estimated credit hours 31 35 6 72
Estimated tuition1 $33,697 $38,045 $6,522 $78,264
Comprehensive school fee $600 $800 $800 $2,200
Tuition and fees $34,297 $38,845 $7,322  $80,464
Housing, food and utilities $19,800 $26,400 $26,400 $72,600
Books and supplies $300 $400 $400 $1,100
Instruments and equipment $504 $672 $672 $1,848
Personal $4,500 $6,000 $6,000 $16,500
Exam fees     $170 $170
Transportation $1,800 $2,400 $2,400 $6,600
Federal Stafford loan fees $216 $216 $216 $648
Total Estimated COA $61,417 $74,933 $43,580  $179,930


$1,006 per credit 500-level courses
$1,087 per credit 600-level courses
$1,299 per credit 700-level courses

Tuition and Fee Notes

The comprehensive school fee at PCOM is applicable to all students and is used to support essential student services outside of instructional time. This fee funds a broad spectrum of services, including library resources, student council funding, counseling and wellness services, recreational and fitness programs, and learning support. Since all students have access to these services, the fee is non-refundable and cannot be waived.

Students are charged tuition and comprehensive school fees each term. If students are paying any portion of their tuition out-of-pocket, they must make payment directly to the PCOM Bursar Office by each term's tuition due dates.

When student loan and scholarship payments disburse to PCOM, they first pay toward a student's tuition and fee charges. Students then receive any remaining funds as “refunds” to help them meet their personal living expenses. Read more about disbursements and refunds.

Tuition rates generally increase by about three percent each year.