Jessica Mulbah (PharmD ’22)
Residency Match 2022
March 21, 2022Students from the class of 2022 are celebrating the next step in their professional
journey. Here they share what has inspired them along the way and what advice they
would give to new students.
Where did you match?
Temple University Hospital - Jeanes Campus, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Why did you pursue a residency?
I pursued a residency because I want to be more involved with patient care and I want
to reduce the health disparity gap within BIPOC communities.
How did you feel when you found out you matched?
I was relieved, shocked, and excited!
What advice would you give to year one pharmacy students just starting their journey?
If you want to pursue a residency, put yourself out there! Talk to your professors,
network, attend conferences and get involved on campus. You do not have to be involved
in 100 clubs but find one or two that mean something to you and stick with them.
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