Medical Students Explore Cadavers to Research Diseases
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Students Participate in Anatomy Lab Research Projects

September 15, 2021

PCOM South Georgia medical students are researching cadavers to learn about various diseasesUnder the direction of professors Shiv Dhiman, MD, and Savita Arya, MD, students are working on various research projects in the PCOM South Georgia anatomy lab. These projects involve discovering and learning about diseases in cadavers such as Pick’s disease, atherosclerosis, bladder diverticulum, leukemia and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) interventions.

Disease processes affect tissues in distinctive ways, depending on the type of tissue, the disease itself, and how it has progressed. Students participating in the research projects have the opportunity to explore not only the gross pathological findings in the cadavers but also examine microscopic glass slides demonstrating normal histology, pathologic processes, and a variety of diseases under the microscope.

Each research group consists of a small number of students who conduct research that is overseen by Drs. Dhiman and Arya. Mohammad Malik (DO ‘24) is part of a group that is researching CABG interventions. He said, “Research is an excellent way to contribute to the field of medicine. As a medical student it allows you to learn about a topic in a different and more engaging manner. We are very grateful for the mentorship of Drs. Arya and Dhiman along with funding from PCOM South Georgia which has helped our research project possible.”

The Anatomical Histopathology Research projects at PCOM South Georgia are conducted in collaboration with the Colquitt Regional Hospital Laboratory, where the histological slides are prepared and stained.

“We aim to implement an integrated learning approach by using cadavers to teach students both normal and morbid anatomy to enhance their knowledge and skills in gross tissue identification and handling tissue specimens,” said Dr. Arya. “Our goals are to educate students and advance understanding of the causes, mechanisms of development, morphologic and functional effects, and outcomes of disease states.”

PCOM South Georgia students are encouraged to participate in student research projectsThe ongoing student research at PCOM South Georgia supports the College’s research mission, which is to promote health through basic, translational, clinical, behavioral, education and community research. Mentoring students in investigative methods and information retrieval, appraisal and dissemination is part of this mission.

While completing research during medical school is not mandatory, it can increase preparedness and competitiveness for post-graduate residency. The correlation between Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) students and research publications is significant for competitive residencies.

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About PCOM South Georgia

In 2019, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), a premier osteopathic medical school with a storied 125-year history, extended its commitment to the Southeast by establishing PCOM South Georgia. An additional teaching location in Moultrie, Georgia, PCOM South Georgia offers both a full, four-year medical program leading to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree and a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences. PCOM is a private, not-for-profit institution that trains professionals in the health and behavioral sciences fields. Joining PCOM Georgia in Suwanee in helping to meet the healthcare needs of the state, PCOM South Georgia focuses on educating physicians for the region. For more information, visit or call 229-668-3110.

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Public Relations and Social Media Manager
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