Caroline Lloyd (DO '20) | Match Day 2020 | Student Profiles
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Caroline Lloyd (DO '20) 
Match Day 2020

March 30, 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, students from the class of 2020 at PCOM Georgia celebrated one of the most exciting days in their professional journey—match day. Here they share their personal match story, what has inspired them along the way and what advice they would give to students starting the journey today.

Caroline Lloyd (DO '20)What inspired you to go into medicine?

It's hard to pinpoint what exactly inspired me to go into medicine. I had always been interested in medicine, but it was about halfway through my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer when I decided I wanted to become a doctor. Being a volunteer and helping others was inspiring itself, and I knew I wanted to help other people. At some point the lightbulb went off and I decided the best way for me to inspire and help others was to become a doctor.

Where did you match?

Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts.

What specialty have you chosen to pursue and why?

I chose to pursue emergency medicine, and to be entirely honest, it's been EM for me since day one. The constantly changing and evolving atmosphere of the emergency department attracts me. I'm the kind of person who functions well under pressure and when there's a whole bunch of stuff going on at once. I like to be challenged with new things, and in the emergency department, you never know what's coming through the door next! I actually worked in EMS before medical school as well, so I had already been exposed to EM and knew it was an area of medicine I liked. Plus, with my career aspirations to do international work, I believe Emergency Medicine is a unique niche that is perfect for areas like that.

How did you feel when you found out you matched?

So happy and excited! And relieved. You work so hard for this, and the entire residency process is so incredibly stressful—finally getting that bit of good news is amazing and a huge weight off your shoulders.

What advice would you give to year one medical students just starting their journey?

Work hard and grind, but above all be kind to yourself. Always stay true to you and the things that make you who you are, because those hobbies, activities, etc. are what will carry you through the stress and rigors of medical school. Always make time to do the things that bring you some joy and happiness.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

My husband and I have been in a long-distance relationship for the entirety of medical school. A big part of my residency and match story was us hoping and trying to match in a location where we'll be able to be together. Matching at Baystate means we will finally be back together, and that's like an extra bonus win out of all of this.