Raushaun Williams, DO ’24 | PCOM Graduate Profile | DO Program
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Raushaun Williams, DO ’24 
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

May 9, 2024
Raushaun Williams, DO ’24

“I've been coming here my entire life,” said Raushaun Williams.

Born at PCOM’s former City Avenue Hospital, attending PCOM was almost written in the cards for Williams.

“My reason for choosing osteopathic medicine has matured over the years,” he said. “My provider is a PCOM alum, and I knew I wanted the type of training he received.”

Outside of his connection to PCOM, Williams’ mother and her former job as a social worker are another big reason why he chose to pursue a career in health care. As Williams graduates from medical school this year, his mother will also be graduating as a family nurse practitioner.

“Seeing her navigate her clients' complex socioeconomic situations and how her assistance improved their lives made me desire a profession where that was possible,” he shared.

Williams will continue her legacy of improving lives by providing affirming care to members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially transgender patients. He hopes to receive the necessary training by completing his residency in Family Medicine at Lancaster General Hospital (LGH) after graduation.

“I chose LGH because I auditioned there and knew it would be my future home,” he said. “I want to provide prenatal and obstetric care in my future practice, and LGH provides extensive obstetric training.”

As he moves on from PCOM, he feels prepared for what’s next, not only because of the training he’s received but also because of who he is as a person.

“I enjoy the hands-on aspect of osteopathic medicine and the ability to connect with a patient more intimately, and that this connection improves their health outcomes,” said Williams.

“My clinical experiences revealed that ultimately, if someone is equipped to be a good person, they will be a good person regardless of their degree.”

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