Graduate Profile: Naomi Naganoma, PA Studies at PCOM Georgia
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Naomi Naganoma, MS/PA '24 
MS in Health Sciences - Physician Assistant Studies

May 24, 2024
Professional headshot photo of PCOM Georgia PA Studies graduate Naomi Naganoma (MS/PA '24)

For as long as she can remember, Naomi Naganoma has longed to be a healthcare provider.

Raised in a Spanish-speaking household, where her grandparents played a vital role in her upbringing, Naganoma often translated and explained what her grandparents' providers were saying at various medical appointments, which exposed Naganoma to medicine at a young age.

“These experiences have made me want to be the person to provide care to those who need it,” she said. “I especially wanted to be able to educate patients and serve the Spanish-speaking community.”

Naganoma's best friend introduced her to the physician assistant (PA) profession by taking her to a pre-PA club while they were undergraduates.

“Once I learned about the profession, I fell in love and knew it was the right fit,” she said.

Naganoma applied to the Physician Assistant Studies program at PCOM Georgia due in part to its commitment to diversity and inclusion. “Being a minority woman, I wanted to apply to a program that would celebrate everyone's background,” she said.

She credits PCOM Georgia's faculty members for supporting her during the two year program and for equipping her to be a successful PA.

“The PA program faculty at PCOM Georgia provided the space and tools for me to grow into a provider,” Naganoma explained. “They gave me a sense of family and security through these difficult two years and cheered me on.”

She has also appreciated the hands-on experiences of the anatomy lab and the annual body donor memorial service, as well as a “chance to make lifelong friends with similar passions.”

As for her inspirations, Naganoma cites her entire family, each person for different reasons.

“They are the most resilient people I know. They sacrificed their successful lives in their native country to start over, in order to give my sister and I the opportunity for better lives,” said Naganoma, who is the first person in her family to go into healthcare. “They're all such hardworking people who have endless ambition, whether it's professionally or in other areas of life.”

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