Laura Wood Castillo | PharmD Program at PCOM Georgia
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Laura Wood Castillo, PharmD '24 
Doctor of Pharmacy

May 13, 2024
Laura Wood Castillo, PharmD '24

Laura Wood Castillo, DO '24, draws inspiration from her family’s healthcare legacy. Both her mother and uncle are dentists.

“Witnessing them provide care to our local community and communities in our home country, the Dominican Republic, inspired me to follow in their footsteps,” Castillo said.

Initially choosing pharmacy for its versatility, Castillo values the myriad career paths a pharmacy degree offers, such as allowing her to transition between sectors, from IT to retail, while still leveraging her expertise as a pharmacist.

Castillo chose PCOM Georgia for the blend of uniqueness and familiarity it offered. She saw it as an exciting new adventure, yet still close enough to home, in South Florida for regular visits. “I value the diversity among students and staff, and I appreciate the vibrant and inclusive community that PCOM Georgia fosters.”

Through PCOM's Medical Cannabis Concentration, she immersed herself in the industry, completing her rotation at a dispensary with a consulting cannabis pharmacist as a mentor; through this she discovered her passion and conviction in its medicinal properties.

“I wholeheartedly believe my future lies in the cannabis industry,” Castillo said.

As a student at PCOM, Castillo spearheaded initiatives to destigmatize discussions surrounding mental wellness. “I'm passionate about breaking mental health stigma, and advocating for open dialogue on life's struggles.”

When asked who inspires her and why, Castillo replied, “My mother arrived in the United States without fluency in English or the opportunity to practice dentistry due to the lack of equivalency processes for foreign dentists in the country.”

Her mother's unwavering determination to pursue dentistry serves as a guiding light for own endeavors.

As a dual citizen, Castillo embraces diversity and the richness of her cultural heritage. Her journey is a testament to the power of perseverance.

“Never give up,” Castillo affirms. “Keep pushing, and you'll achieve anything your heart desires.”

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