Andrielle Collier, DO '22 | PCOM 2022 Graduate Profiles
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Andrielle Collier, DO '22 
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

May 27, 2022

PCOM Georgia medical school graduate Andrielle Collier, DO '22Family has been an important part of Andrielle Collier’s journey to and through medical school. Raised in Fort Worth, Texas, she grew up with a younger cousin who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

“I spent time with her and cared for her so much that I wanted to know more about why doctors said she would never be able to have a normal life.”

She began to ask her family questions, along with her own pediatrician. She said, “Throughout those moments, I recognized my love and passion for learning about the body and sharing in the joy of teaching and treating others.”

Those moments cultivated her desire to be a physician.

After taking master’s course work in the biomedical sciences program at PCOM Georgia, Collier started medical school as a wife and mother of two children, then six and one years old.

“It was so important for my babies to witness their mother achieve her childhood dream,” she said. “The last four years, they have all been right by my side rooting for me.”

A graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, Collier was introduced to osteopathic medicine through her master’s coursework. “Learning about the holistic approach and seeing DO physicians care for patients around me led me to pursue a doctor of osteopathic medicine degree.”

She said she knew she wanted to be a physician who “changed the lives of others and left an everlasting mark on the world of medicine. There was never another option for me.”

Collier plans to specialize in pediatrics. “I’m so elated to care for the youth and have an opportunity to make an impact in the early stages of life,” she said. “I aspire to teach, treat, advocate for and shape the future of children all while addressing their healthcare needs. I aspire to work in and uplift underserved communities.”

“It is my hope that little girls who look like me will see me and say ‘If she can do it, I can too!’“

Collier is inspired by the many physician mentors she met throughout medical school who encouraged her and “sowed seeds that allowed me to keep pursuing my passion.”

She is also inspired by her mother who sacrificed so much for her to be able to accomplish her dreams.

“She molded me into the person I am today,” she said. “You can learn a depth of knowledge from books and studying. However, I believe integrity, perseverance, compassion and empathy can’t be taught by a book. I credit my mother for these characteristics.”

Collier advises prospective physicians to persevere and take care of themselves. “Never give up on your dreams,” she said.

“Your journey may look different than others, but we all have our own path. That is what makes us unique. In the process, don’t lose yourself. Nurture your mind and body along the way. You can’t pour from an empty cup.”