Corliann Blyn
MS/Biomed ’17

Corliann Blyn (MS/Biomed ’17)
For Corliann Blyn, one of the hardest times in her life also marked a turning point.
After spending much of her life as a musician and an artist, Ms. Blyn put those dreams
aside to take care of her ailing mother, who was first hospitalized in 2004 for diabetes-related
“I remember riding in the ambulance, thinking I might never see her again. She just
wasn’t there,” Ms. Blyn says. “But it was a beautiful thing to watch all these people
with their combined knowledge and understanding interpret her body’s signals and come
together to bring her back so rapidly.”
Ms. Blyn says it was at that very moment she decided she wanted to pursue a career
in the health sciences. However, the path to Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) was a long and winding one, punctuated with several additional hospitalizations of
her mother.
“I worked around that,” she says. “But in the beginning, I didn’t want to leave her
alone in the hospital. I saw the need for her to have an advocate. So, I slept in
a hallway near the ICU while she was in there, or I would get a cot. My mother couldn’t
speak for herself, so someone had to.”
After taking a few biology courses sporadically, Ms. Blyn enrolled fulltime at Rutgers
University in 2007, and graduated with her bachelor’s in biology in 2012. But even
when she wasn’t fully enrolled in classes, she says she was constantly learning.
“I wanted to learn everything about what was going on at the hospital,” she says.
“I was fascinated. In the beginning there was so much I didn’t understand, I would
bring in medical textbooks. Whatever the doctors said, I would consume and come back
with even more questions.”
One doctor even told her she was learning as fast as his residents. Another asked
if he could share her book filled with notes with his students.
“It reinforced my feeling that this was the way I should go,” she says.
As part of her capstone project in the forensic medicine track, Ms. Blyn is currently
shadowing pathologists at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, spending her days looking
into microscopes and learning about different cases from the residents.
“It’s been fascinating,” she says. “It’s amazing to see how resilient children are.
I saw a huge tumor that came from a 10-month old, and thought, ‘There’s no way they
could survive that.’ And the patient ends up doing just fine. Being here has made
me realize that pathology is the place in medicine where I belong.”
Even though her goals have shifted from the artistic to the clinical, Ms. Blyn still
sees some overlap. “I thought by pursuing art, I would find my own truth,” she says,
“but with that first hospitalization, something said to me, ‘This is more truthful,
this is more of what life's about.’ I think I was looking for a connection to humanity
with art, but I found it in medicine.”