PCOM Hires Chief Information Security Officer
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PCOM Hires Chief Information Security Officer

September 6, 2018

Professional headshot photograph of Marisa Niedbalski, MBAPhiladelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) has named Marisa Niedbalski, MBA as the College’s new chief information security officer. In this role, Ms. Niedbalski will manage PCOM’s information security organization, including overseeing training and updating of security policies; talent acquisition and development; setting and implementing standards for information technology (IT) security operations and support; and ensuring compliance of systems and applications with information security best practices and standards. She began her duties on August 20.

Ms. Niedbalski has more than 30 years of experience in information technology in the healthcare industry. Most recently, she served as director of technology, information security, biomedical engineering and telecommunications for the Crozer-Keystone Health System. In that role, she oversaw all aspects of information security including regulatory compliance; incident response and command; aspects of IT device and infrastructure deployments; and managed large-scale implementations of projects related to information security, telecommunications and biomedical engineering.

“In an age when online information and privacy is constantly under attack, it’s more imperative than ever that we safeguard the private information of our staff, students and patients as well as our institution,” said Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81, president and CEO. “By creating the position of chief information security officer and bringing Marisa on board, we are strengthening our commitment to ensuring the safety of the PCOM community.”

Ms. Niedbalski is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, and is a member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. She received her master’s in business administration from Penn State University and her bachelor’s in health administration from Saint Joseph’s University.

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About Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Established in 1899, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) has trained thousands of highly competent, caring physicians, health practitioners and behavioral scientists who practice a “whole person” approach to care—treating people, not just symptoms. PCOM, a private, not-for-profit accredited institution of higher education, operates three campuses (PCOM, PCOM Georgia and PCOM South Georgia) and offers doctoral degrees in clinical psychology, educational psychology, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and school psychology. The college also offers graduate degrees in applied behavior analysis, applied positive psychology, biomedical sciences, forensic medicine, medical laboratory science, mental health counseling, physician assistant studies, and school psychology. PCOM students learn the importance of health promotion, research, education and service to the community. Through its community-based Healthcare Centers, PCOM provides care to medically underserved populations. For more information, visit pcom.edu or call 215-871-6100.

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