PCOM Georgia’s Pharmacy Class of 2024 Receives White Coats
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Pharmacy Class of 2024 Receives White Coats

February 20, 2023

PharmD student, Andrew Wilson, gives speech at podiumThe life-affirming song “I Hope You Dance” accompanied the traditional academic procession and recession of the Class of 2024 during their White Coat Ceremony, dubbed “the most unique White Coat Ceremony in the history of PCOM” by class chair Andrew Wilson (PharmD ’24).

Having started pharmacy school at the beginning of the pandemic when most of the world was shutting down, the 79 class members decided to delay a virtual ceremony in 2020 to an in-person ceremony two and a half years later on Friday, February 10.

This decision mirrors the decisions class members will make as pharmacists.

Shawn Spencer, PhD, RPh, dean and chief academic officer of the PCOM School of Pharmacy, extolled the students. He said, “You are not only becoming a pharmacist, but also a leader, mentor and a role model.”

PCOM Georgia's Pharmacy Class of 2024 pose for a group photoHe added, “As healthcare professionals, you will be called upon to make difficult and complex decisions, and you will be relied upon to act with compassion, integrity and dedication to your patients who need you.”

He called the ceremony “a rite of passage that symbolizes our commitment to the advancement of human health and the betterment of our most vulnerable communities.”

Keynote speaker Bris Soto, PharmD ’22, who is a post-graduate year one pharmacy resident through a partnership between PCOM Georgia and Wellstar North Fulton Hospital in Roswell, Georgia, shared her thoughts.

“When I think of a healthcare professional, I think of someone knowledgeable, someone who puts effort into gathering all data before making a decision, and someone who is trustworthy,” she said.

“You have embarked on a journey that can provide great joy and fulfillment.”

The students were called to the stage where they were coated by faculty members five at a time. Wearing their white coats and a new PCOM School of Pharmacy pin, the Class of 2024 recited their class mission statement led by Dr. Spencer.

PharmD students recite the Pledge of Professionalism“We, the pharmacy class of 2024, will serve as leaders to foster an inclusive and collaborative culture while adapting to the needs of our diverse community,” they said in unison.

The class concluded the ceremony, attended by a multitude of family and friends, by reciting a Pledge of Professionalism led by John Tovar, PharmD, associate professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice. They recessed from the Gas South Conference Center reminiscing about their accomplishments, knowing that they’ve put their time to good use as the lyrics to the touching tune profess - 

“Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,

Tell me who wants to look back on their years

And wonder where those years have gone.”

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About PCOM Georgia

PCOM Georgia has been serving students and the community for 20 years as a branch campus of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), a private, not-for-profit, accredited institution of higher education established in 1899. Located in Suwanee (Gwinnett County), PCOM Georgia offers doctoral degrees in osteopathic medicine, pharmacy and physical therapy. Graduate degrees are offered in biomedical sciences, medical laboratory science and physician assistant studies. The campus joins PCOM South Georgia in Moultrie in helping to meet the healthcare needs of the state. Emphasizing "a whole person" approach to care, PCOM Georgia focuses on educational excellence, interprofessional education and service to the community. For more information, visit pcom.edu or call 678-225-7500. The campus is also home to the Georgia Osteopathic Care Center, an osteopathic manipulative medicine clinic, which is open to the public by appointment. For more information, visit pcomgeorgiahealth.org.

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