Sarah Sheahon (PharmD ’20) | Match Day 2020
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Sarah Sheahon (PharmD ’20) 
Match Day 2020

March 31, 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, students from the class of 2020 at PCOM Georgia celebrated one of the most exciting days in their professional journey—match day. Here they share their personal match story, what has inspired them along the way and what advice they would give to students starting the journey today.

Sarah Sheahon (PharmD '20)What inspired you to go into pharmacy?

When I started working in the pharmacy in high school, my inspiration rose out of my encounters I had with patients. It felt so rewarding to be able to help a patient and be involved in their care. Becoming a pharmacist would give me the chance to spend my career doing something that has real-life beneficial impacts on those I spend my time serving.

Where did you match?

Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.

Why did you pursue a residency?

I decided to pursue a residency because I want to move towards more of a patient-centered, clinical focused career, expand my clinical knowledge and gain valuable patient care experiences. My end goal is to become a clinical oncology pharmacist and I am confident pursuing a residency will provide me the platform to achieve it.

How did you feel when you found out you matched?

I read the email, jumped for joy, read the email and jumped for more joy! Truly to say I was beyond ecstatic is a bit of an understatement. Northside Hospital was my number one pick, so above being so excited, I knew it was meant to be!

What advice would you give to year one pharmacy students just starting their journey?

Everyone has a different path in terms of activities and employment. The key is to identify activities you enjoy that will help you grow as an individual and as a professional. It’s never too early to start building those experiences. Don’t wait until the last minute to network, volunteer, or work and create relationships by getting involved in professional organizations. Above all, work hard but always be sure to make time for yourself.