Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine News | PCOM
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Department News

Alex Nicholas, DO, FAAO, Awarded PCOM OJ Snyder Award

February 28, 2019

Dr. Nicholas was awarded PCOM's highest award for his dedication and service to the College and osteopathic profession.

Noto Bell Recognized as Item Writer of 2017

January 24, 2018

Lauren Noto Bell, DO, honored as 2017 Item Writer of the Year, COMLEX-USA Examination, Osteopathic Principles and Practice Award.

Nicholas Receives Distinguished Service Award

April 11, 2017

Honor presented to those who make significant contributions to osteopathic profession.

Fuller Recognized as Item Writer of the Year

January 31, 2017

David B. Fuller, DO, FAAO honored as the 2016 Item Writer of the Year, COMLEX-USA Examination, Osteopathic Principles and Practice Award.

OMM Department Welcomes New Residents

July 13, 2016

The PCOM OMM Department is happy to welcome two new residents—Meghna M.Shah, DO and Andrew Levin, DO—to our OMM Residency Program.

Continuing Medical Education Course in Counterstrain a Success

June 14, 2015

The PCOM OMM Department enjoyed the course in Practical Counterstrain Diagnosis and Treatment, taught by Ed Georing, DO, DVM, MSHPE.

OMM Consultation Service Increases Staff

July 1, 2014

The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine OMM Department is pleased to announce that the OMM consultation service at Roxborough Hospital has increased staff.

Nicholas Receives Still Award

March 22, 2014

Dr. Alex Nicholas was awarded the Andrew Taylor Still Award, the highest award given by the American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO).