Health Care on a Small Scale
One Story at a Time
August 29, 2017Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine boasts more than 15,400 living alumni.
Each has a story—complex, multilayered, variegated. Deeply personal. At times, emotionally
A la “Humans of New York,” the popular book and social media blog that provides a
glimpse into the lives of strangers, the ensuing vignettes are bite-sized snippets
of raw impressions from humanistic practitioners and holistic healers, committed researchers
and consummate scholars, staunch advocates and inspired community activists.
Sixteen stories to be devoured one at a time ...
Colonel Mary Virginia Krueger, DO ’95, MPH, MMAS |
Benjamin Abraham, DO ’80 |
Constance Gasda Andrejko, DO ’01, IBCLC, FAAP |
Steven G. Eisenberg, DO ’96 |
Thomas C. Scott, DO ’54 |
Kathleen M. Heintz, DO ’92, FACC |
Renzo Gonzalez, PharmD ’16 (PCOM School of Pharmacy – Georgia Campus) |
Raelea Lynn Webster, MS/MHC ’17 |
Joseph M. Flynn, DO ’96, MPH, FACP |
David Holloman, MS/ODL ’09 |
Antonio Graham, DO ’11, (GA–PCOM) |
Rebekah L. Gingras, MS/Psy ’14, PsyD ’16 |
Orestes Gutierrez, DO ’03 |
Harold Kirsh, DO ’46 |
Shana Michelle Perman, MS/PA-C ’05 |
Jeffrey C. Northup, DO ’72, FACOOG, CPE, FAAPL |
Read the full issue of Digest