Administrative Departments and Units | PCOM Services
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Administrative Departments and Units

The administrative departments and units at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine provide a variety of services to students, faculty and staff.

Our Departments and Units

Access Control

Manages PCOM's OneCard ID badge and parking plans on the Philadelphia campus.


Monitors, analyzes and interprets the financial performance of the College.

Accounts Payable

Handles funds disbursement, including vendor payments.


Manages student recruitment, application reviews and interviews.

Bursar's Office

Responsible for billing of student tuition accounts.

Campus and Community Partnerships

Prepares future healthcare professionals for excellence and success.


Oversees the Compliance and Ethics Program with respect to all PCOM operations and Healthcare Centers.

Controller's Office

Facilitates critical planning for the quality and administration of the College's financial services.

Distribution Services

Provides material-oriented products and services.

Financial Aid

Assists students with debt management counseling and educational funding.

Financial Analysis/Budget

Prepares and monitors the institution's budget.

Financial Operations

Controls funds received and disbursed by the College.

Human Resources

Attracts and retains qualified individuals to be part of the PCOM community.

Information Technology Services

Delivers technology-based services including computer networking, telecommunications and more.

Institutional Advancement

Responsible for fundraising and alumni engagement.

Institutional Effectiveness and Research

Collects, maintains, analyzes and reports institutional information.

Legal Affairs

Legal Affairs is responsible for all of the legal and regulatory affairs of the College.

Marketing and Communications

Builds awareness and support for PCOM through effective marketing and communication strategies.

Environmental Health and Safety

Plans, implements, monitors and reviews the College's environmental safety strategies.

Plant Operations

Responsible for maintenance of the College's physical facilities.

Printing Solutions

Provides printing, copying, binding and other services.

Public Safety

Maintains order on campus and enforces College procedures.

Procurement Services

Procures equipment, supplies and services required by all departments within the College.


Serves as academic historians and record keepers.

Risk Management

Identifies and assesses potential risks as part of ongoing efforts to mitigate any negative impact on PCOM's assets or operations.

Student Affairs

Spanning orientation to graduation, the Office of Student Affairs guides and supports students throughout their academic journey.